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Morning Routine Tips That Help Keep You Going All Day

Updated: May 17, 2022

5 Practical Tips to Help You Be More Resilient Throughout Your Day

While each of us has a different schedule, and each day comes with its own priorities and distractions, we've all likely experienced the difference between having a productive day, or a fruitless one. Importantly, morning routines make us more resilient to whatever the day throws at us, which means how we start our morning sets the tone for the day.

We can't control the stressors that we'll encounter, but we can mindfully ease into our day, ensuring we do everything within our control both nutritionally (to balance blood sugar levels, sustain energy and improve mental focus) and mentally (to limit any excess cortisol that will stress our body, adding to low energy & brain fog) to keep us going all day.

If I'm being honest, there are days I can't complete my morning routine with the intention that I would like; but I do my best each morning to ensure some semblance of the routine that I now know works best for me. I have seen and felt the difference between happy, present and calm Lisete, versus not (and so have my family, friends, co-workers). Believe me, taking the time in the morning to more mindfully ease into your day benefits everyone.

The tips below are designed to be practical, even for a busy lifestyle. They are guiding principles, to be applied daily. Now, you may find that, to start, you can realistically apply 3 of the 5 tips consistently, or you have only 20 minutes every morning to apply these tips. This is the reality of real life. Once you see the benefits of easing in, versus jumpstarting your day, you will find a way to personalize these tips to fit them all into your real life.

Practicing these wellness tips with intention is a process. Over time, this process creates a purposeful pattern in your morning. When you apply these routinely, you will create a more mindful easing into your day, and you will be more resilient to whatever the day throws at you. This means, starting now, YOU SET THE TONE for how your day starts, how the day goes and how the day ends.

Take a screenshot or print this Morning Routine Tips cheat sheet as a reminder of what you can do to set the tone for the day. I have mine printed and placed in a spot I know I'll see it every morning.

Remember, How We Start Our Morning Sets the Tone for the Day

You will be more resilient to whatever the day throws at you when you mindfully ease into your day. Be sure you do everything within your control both nutritionally and mentally. Reach out for more specific help with personalized nutrition plans. Leave a comment below and tell me what tips you plan to start practicing.

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